02 – Tabular Tutorial: Nonlinear Poker Hands

A - Setup

In this tutorial, we will be training a model using only tabular data as input. The task is to predict poker hands from the suit an rank of cards. See here for more information about the dataset.

Note that this tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with the basic functionality of the framework (see 01 – Genotype Tutorial: Ancestry Prediction).

To download the data for for this tutorial, use this link.

Having a quick look at the data, we can see it consists of 10 categorical inputs columns and 1 categorical output column (which has 10 classes).

$ head -n 3 poker_hands_data/poker_hands_train.csv


To start with, we can use the following configurations for the global, input, target and predictor parts respectively:

output_folder: eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_02_run
manual_valid_ids_file: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/data/poker_hands_data/pre_split_valid_ids.txt
n_saved_models: 1
checkpoint_interval: 1000
sample_interval: 1000
n_epochs: 50


You might notice the perhaps new manual_valid_ids_file argument in the global configuration. This is because the data is quite imbalanced, so we provide a pre-computed validation set to ensure that all classes are present in both the training and validation set. Be aware that currently the framework does not handle having a mismatch in which classes are present in the training and validation sets.

  input_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/data/poker_hands_data/poker_hands_train.csv
  input_name: poker_hands
  input_type: tabular

          - S1
          - C1
          - S2
          - C2
          - S3
          - C3
          - S4
          - C4
          - S5
          - C5

  model_type: tabular
model_type: mlp-residual
  rb_do: 0.20
  fc_do: 0.20
  output_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/data/poker_hands_data/poker_hands_train.csv
  output_name: poker_prediction
  output_type: tabular
    - CLASS

So, after setting up, our folder structure should look something like this:

├── conf
│   ├── 02_poker_hands_fusion.yaml
│   ├── 02_poker_hands_globals.yaml
│   ├── 02_poker_hands_input.yaml
│   └── 02_poker_hands_output.yaml
└── data
    └── poker_hands_data
        ├── poker_hands_test.csv
        ├── poker_hands_train.csv
        └── pre_split_valid_ids.txt

B - Training

Now we are ready to train our first model! We can use the command below, which feeds the configs we defined above to the framework (fully running this should take around 10 minutes, so now is a good time to stretch your legs or grab a cup of coffee!):

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/conf/02_poker_hands_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/conf/02_poker_hands_input.yaml \
--fusion_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/conf/02_poker_hands_fusion.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/conf/02_poker_hands_output.yaml

We can examine how our model did with respect to accuracy by checking the training_curve_ACC.png file:


However, we do know that the data is very imbalanced, so a better idea might be checking the MCC:


Both look fairly good, but how are we really doing? Let’s check the confusion matrix for our predictions at iteration 15000:


So there it is – we are performing quite well for classes 0-3, but (perhaps as expected), we perform very poorly on the rare classes.

In any case, let’s have a look at how well we do on the test set!

C - Predicting on test set

To test, we can run the following command (note that you will have to add the path to your saved model for the --model_path parameter below).

eirpredict \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/conf/02_poker_hands_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/conf/02_poker_hands_input_test.yaml \
--fusion_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/conf/02_poker_hands_fusion.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/02_tabular_tutorial/conf/02_poker_hands_output_test.yaml \
--model_path eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_02_run/saved_models/tutorial_02_run_model_15000_perf-average=0.8400.pt \
--evaluate \
--output_folder eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_02_run/

This will create the following extra files in the eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_02_run directory

│     ├── confusion_matrix.png
│     ├── mc_pr_curve.png
│     ├── mc_roc_curve.png
│     └── predictions.csv
├── calculated_metrics.json

The calculated_metrics.json file can be quite useful, as it contains the performance of our model on the test set.

{"poker_prediction": {"CLASS": {"poker_prediction_CLASS_mcc": 0.981885141539836, "poker_prediction_CLASS_acc": 0.9897459897459897, "poker_prediction_CLASS_roc-auc-macro": 0.9290761712622213, "poker_prediction_CLASS_ap-macro": 0.5669042208423734, "poker_prediction_CLASS_loss": 0.04536255821585655}}, "average": {"average": {"loss-average": 0.04536255821585655, "perf-average": 0.8259551778814769}}}

This seems pretty good, but we don’t really have any baseline to compare it to. Luckily, there is an great paper titled TabNet: Attentive Interpretable Tabular Learning, which is also using NNs on tabular data, and they even use the Poker Hand dataset as well!

TabNet paper performances for Poker Hand induction dataset.


Test accuracy (%)





Deep neural DT












So using our humble model before we saw an accuracy of 99.1%. Of course, since the dataset is highly imbalanced, it can be difficult to compare with the numbers in the table above. For example it can be that TabNet is performing very well on the rare classes, which will not have a large effect on the total test accuracy. However, our performance is perhaps a nice baseline, especially since TabNet is a much more complex model, and we did not do extensive hyper-parameter tuning!

E - Serving

In this final section, we demonstrate serving our trained model as a web service and interacting with it using HTTP requests.

Starting the Web Service

To serve the model, use the following command:

eirserve --model-path [MODEL_PATH]

Replace [MODEL_PATH] with the actual path to your trained model. This command initiates a web service that listens for incoming requests.

Here is an example of the command:

eirserve \
--model-path eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_02_run/saved_models/tutorial_02_run_model_15000_perf-average=0.8400.pt

Sending Requests

With the server running, we can now send requests. For tabular data, we send the payload directly as a Python dictionary.

Here’s an example Python function demonstrating this process:

import requests

def send_request(url: str, payload: dict):
    response = requests.post(url, json=payload)
    return response.json()

payload = {
    "poker_hands": {
        "S1": "3", "C1": "12",
        "S2": "3", "C2": "2",
        "S3": "3", "C3": "11",
        "S4": "4", "C4": "5",
        "S5": "2", "C5": "5"

response = send_request('http://localhost:8000/predict', payload)

Additionally, you can send requests using bash:

curl -X 'POST' \\
  'http://localhost:8000/predict' \\
  -H 'accept: application/json' \\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
  -d '{
      "poker_hands": {
          "S1": "3", "C1": "12",
          "S2": "3", "C2": "2",
          "S3": "3", "C3": "11",
          "S4": "4", "C4": "5",
          "S5": "2", "C5": "5"

Analyzing Responses

After sending requests to the served model, the responses can be analyzed. These responses provide insights into the model’s predictions based on the input data.

        "request": {
            "poker_hands": {
                "S1": "3",
                "C1": "12",
                "S2": "3",
                "C2": "2",
                "S3": "3",
                "C3": "11",
                "S4": "4",
                "C4": "5",
                "S5": "2",
                "C5": "5"
        "response": {
            "result": {
                "poker_prediction": {
                    "CLASS": {
                        "0": 1.188167789223371e-05,
                        "1": 0.9977349042892456,
                        "2": 0.002234159503132105,
                        "3": 7.436228770529851e-06,
                        "4": 1.001353666651994e-07,
                        "5": 4.333995548222447e-06,
                        "6": 8.68369767204058e-08,
                        "7": 8.973422893632232e-08,
                        "8": 4.198012902634218e-06,
                        "9": 2.7543637770577334e-06

If you made it this far, I want to thank you for reading. I hope this tutorial was useful / interesting to you!