07 – Multimodal Training: Combining Tabular, Text, and Image

Here, we will be exploring multi-modal training. That is, training a model on multiple different types of data. For example, we can train a model to predict some output based on both text and images. We will be using a subset of a dataset from PetFinder.my a Malaysian website that matches adopters with homeless pets. The dataset contains images of pets, as well as some text-based description of the pets, and finally some tabular data.

So here, the task will be to predict the speed at which a pet will be adopted. This is formed here as a classification task with 4 different classes, where the classes are the number of days it took for the pet to be adopted.

To download the data for this part of the tutorial, use this link.


Here we have combined the 5 classes from the original dataset into 4 classes for this tutorial, as one of the classes was very small compared to the others. However, the original classes are still available in the main tabular file.

After downloading the data, the folder structure should look like this (note that we will create the configuration files ourselves in the tutorial as we go along):

├── conf
│   ├── 07_apx-a_input_description_pretrained.yaml
│   ├── 07_apx-b_mt_input_tabular.yaml
│   ├── 07_apx-b_mt_output.yaml
│   ├── 07_fusion.yaml
│   ├── 07_globals.yaml
│   ├── 07_input_description.yaml
│   ├── 07_input_image.yaml
│   ├── 07_input_tabular.yaml
│   └── 07_output.yaml
└── data
    ├── descriptions.csv
    ├── images
    └── tabular.csv

We are in for a relatively long tutorial, so I’ll try to keep it concise. Let’s get started!

A - Tabular Data

First, we will start training only on the tabular data, which is stored in a CSV file. Note that here the tabular data has been transposed, for visual purposes.

ID 86e1089a3
Type Cat
Name Nibble
Age 3
Breed1 Tabby
Breed2 0
Gender Male
Color1 Black
Color2 White
Color3 0
MaturitySize Small
FurLength Short
Vaccinated No
Dewormed No
Sterilized No
Health Healthy
Quantity 1
Fee NaN
State Selangor
VideoAmt 0
PhotoAmt 1.0
AdoptionSpeed B: 8-30 Days
AdoptionSpeedGranular 8-30 Days

Here are the configurations files for the tabular data:

output_folder: eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_07_multimodal_run
valid_size: 0.10
memory_dataset: true
checkpoint_interval: 200
sample_interval: 200
n_epochs: 25
device: "cpu"
lr: 5.0e-04
optimizer: adamw
gradient_clipping: 1.0
early_stopping_patience: 5
early_stopping_buffer: 2000
compute_attributions: false
attributions_every_sample_factor: 10
max_attributions_per_class: 512
mixing_alpha: 0.2
  input_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/tabular.csv
  input_name: pets_tabular
  input_type: tabular

          - Type
          - Breed1
          - Breed2
          - Gender
          - Color1
          - Color2
          - Color3
          - MaturitySize
          - State
          - FurLength
          - Vaccinated
          - Dewormed
          - Sterilized
          - Health
          - Fee

          - Age
          - Quantity
          - VideoAmt
          - PhotoAmt

  model_type: tabular
  - 2
  rb_do: 0.25
model_type: mlp-residual
  output_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/tabular.csv
  output_name: pet_adoption
  output_type: tabular

    - AdoptionSpeed
  cat_label_smoothing: 0.1

      - 2
    fc_do: 0.25
    rb_do: 0.25
    stochastic_depth_p: 0.25

As usual, we can run the following command to train:

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_tabular.yaml \
--fusion_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_fusion.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_output.yaml \
--07_globals.output_folder=eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_07a_multimodal_tabular \


Here we are setting the --compute_attributions=true parameter, from the command line, to get the integrated gradients attributions of the model w.r.t. the tabular input data.

When training, I got the following training curve:


Now, since we set the --compute_attributions=true parameter, we can have a look at the attributions (notice in the global configuration, we set compute_attributions_ever_sample_factor=10, which means they are computed every 10 sampling iterations, i.e. 200 * 10 = 2000 training iterations). Specifically, we check the file under samples/4000/attributions/ in the results folder. First, we can have a look at the feature importance for the tabular data.


Here we can see that Breed1 is the feature that most strongly influenced the model’s prediction. In the attributions folder, we can also see how the inputs influence the model towards a specific class. Here, we will look at how the Breed1 input values influence the model towards the class “D: 100+ Days”, meaning the pet was adopted after 100 days:


So from this it seems that, unfortunately, mixed breed pets are less likely to be adopted (that is, the value “Mixed Breed” pushes the model towards making the “D: 100+ Days” prediction). This does perhaps make intuitive sense, but keep in mind that this is specifically analyzing the behavior of the model, and not guaranteed to be true, causal relationships. Additionally, this is something that could likely be discovered with simpler methods, such as a logistic regression model. However, this is just an example of how to use the integrated gradients attributions to analyze the deep-learning model.

B - Tabular + Text Data

Now, we will train the model on both tabular and text data. The text data in question are descriptions of the cute pets, which are stored in a CSV file.


When reading sequence data from a CSV file, the file must follow the specification of having two columns, one containing the sequence IDs (“ID”), and the other containing the sequence data (“Sequence”). Note that the names of these columns are strictly enforced.

First, let’s take a look at an example from the text data:

Nibble is a 3+ month old ball of cuteness. He is energetic and playful. I rescued a couple of cats a few months ago but could not get them neutered in time as the clinic was fully scheduled. The result was this little kitty. I do not have enough space and funds to care for more cats in my household. Looking for responsible people to take over Nibble's care.

So to train on both tabular and text data, we will need to specify a configuration for the text data as well:

  input_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/descriptions.csv
  input_name: pet_descriptions
  input_type: sequence

        sampling_strategy_if_longer: "uniform"
        max_length: "average"
        split_on: " "
        min_freq: 2
        tokenizer: "basic_english"
        tokenizer_language: "en"

        model_type: sequence-default
        embedding_dim: 64
        position: embed
        pool: avg
          num_heads: 4
          dropout: 0.2

Then to train, we simply include that configuration file under the --input_configs parameter:

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_tabular.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_description.yaml \
--fusion_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_fusion.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_output.yaml \

Now, when training, we get the following training curve:


So here we can see that the model seems to perform slightly better when trained on both tabular and text data. We also start to see possible signs of overfitting, as the training curve starts to diverge from the validation curve.

C - Tabular + Text + Image Data

Now, we will train the model on all three types of data: tabular, text, and image. The image data is stored in a folder, where each image is stored in a separate file.

As before, let’s have a quick look at an example image:


Configuration file for the image data:

  input_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/images
  input_name: cute_pet_images
  input_type: image

  mixing_subtype: "cutmix"
    - 128

  model_type: "resnet18"
  pretrained_model: True
  freeze_pretrained_model: True


Here we are using a pre-trained ResNet-18 model to extract the image features. We are using the --pretrained_model parameter to specify the that we want to use pre-trained weights. We are also using the --freeze_pretrained_model parameter to freeze the weights of the pre-trained model, so that they are not updated during training.

And then we can train the model on all three types of data:

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_tabular.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_description.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_image.yaml \
--fusion_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_fusion.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_output.yaml \


Here we are setting the device parameter to cuda:0, to train on the GPU. If you do not have a GPU, you can skip this parameter, or set it to cpu. Note that training on the CPU will likely be much slower, especially now that we are training on images as well.

When training, we get the following training curve:


So in this case, including the image data does not seem to improve the performance of the model further compared to the model trained on the tabular and text data. However, it does seem that the validation performance more quickly reaches peak performance when including the image data. It might be interesting to try training on the image data alone, to how much performance we can get from that. Furthermore, one could try unfreezing the pre-trained model, and see if that improves the performance. However, this tutorial is getting long enough already, so we will leave that as an exercise for those interested.

D - Serving

This section guides you through serving a multimodal model that combines tabular data, text descriptions, and images. We’ll demonstrate how to interact with this served model using HTTP requests.

Starting the Web Service

To serve the multimodal model, use the following command:

eirserve --model-path [MODEL_PATH]

Replace [MODEL_PATH] with the actual path to your trained multimodal model. This command starts a web service that listens for incoming HTTP requests.

Example of the serving command:

eirserve \
--model-path eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_07c_multimodal_tabular_description_image/saved_models/tutorial_07c_multimodal_tabular_description_image_model_2200_perf-average=0.4133.pt

Preparing and Sending Requests

Once the server is running, you can send requests containing tabular data, text descriptions, and image paths. Here’s an example Python function to demonstrate this process:

import requests
import json

def send_request(url: str, request_data: dict):
    response = requests.post(url, json=request_data)
    return response.json()

request_data = {
    "pets_tabular": {
        "Type": "Cat",
        "Name": "Nibble",
        "Age": 1.0,
        "Breed1": "Tabby",
    "pet_descriptions": "A super cute tabby cat!!!",
    "cute_pet_images": "path/to/image.jpg"

response = send_request('http://localhost:8000/predict', request_data)

Analyzing Responses

After sending requests to the served model, you will receive responses that provide a prediction based on the combined data (tabular, description, and image).

Let’s take a look at some example predictions made by the model:

        "request": {
            "pets_tabular": {
                "Type": "Cat",
                "Name": "Nibble",
                "Age": 1.0,
                "Breed1": "Tabby",
                "Breed2": "0",
                "Gender": "Male",
                "Color1": "Black",
                "Color2": "White",
                "Color3": "0",
                "MaturitySize": "Small",
                "FurLength": "Short",
                "Vaccinated": "No",
                "Dewormed": "No",
                "Sterilized": "No",
                "Health": "Healthy",
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Fee": "Free",
                "State": "Selangor",
                "VideoAmt": 0.0,
                "PhotoAmt": 1.0
            "pet_descriptions": "A super cute tabby cat!!!",
            "cute_pet_images": "eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/images/86e1089a3.jpg"
        "response": {
            "result": {
                "pet_adoption": {
                    "AdoptionSpeed": {
                        "A: 0-7 Days": 0.5612660050392151,
                        "B: 8-30 Days": 0.2135147899389267,
                        "C: 31-90 Days": 0.10258349031209946,
                        "D: 100+ Days": 0.12263575941324234
        "request": {
            "pets_tabular": {
                "Type": "Cat",
                "Name": "Nibble",
                "Age": 5.0,
                "Breed1": "Tabby",
                "Breed2": "0",
                "Gender": "Male",
                "Color1": "Black",
                "Color2": "White",
                "Color3": "0",
                "MaturitySize": "Small",
                "FurLength": "Short",
                "Vaccinated": "No",
                "Dewormed": "No",
                "Sterilized": "No",
                "Health": "Healthy",
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Fee": "Free",
                "State": "Selangor",
                "VideoAmt": 0.0,
                "PhotoAmt": 1.0
            "pet_descriptions": "A super cute tabby cat!!!",
            "cute_pet_images": "eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/images/86e1089a3.jpg"
        "response": {
            "result": {
                "pet_adoption": {
                    "AdoptionSpeed": {
                        "A: 0-7 Days": 0.5546148419380188,
                        "B: 8-30 Days": 0.21321046352386475,
                        "C: 31-90 Days": 0.10370028018951416,
                        "D: 100+ Days": 0.12847435474395752
        "request": {
            "pets_tabular": {
                "Type": "Cat",
                "Name": "Nibble",
                "Age": 10.0,
                "Breed1": "Tabby",
                "Breed2": "0",
                "Gender": "Male",
                "Color1": "Black",
                "Color2": "White",
                "Color3": "0",
                "MaturitySize": "Small",
                "FurLength": "Short",
                "Vaccinated": "No",
                "Dewormed": "No",
                "Sterilized": "No",
                "Health": "Healthy",
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Fee": "Free",
                "State": "Selangor",
                "VideoAmt": 0.0,
                "PhotoAmt": 1.0
            "pet_descriptions": "A super cute tabby cat!!!",
            "cute_pet_images": "eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/images/86e1089a3.jpg"
        "response": {
            "result": {
                "pet_adoption": {
                    "AdoptionSpeed": {
                        "A: 0-7 Days": 0.5458986759185791,
                        "B: 8-30 Days": 0.2128952294588089,
                        "C: 31-90 Days": 0.10505900532007217,
                        "D: 100+ Days": 0.13614711165428162
        "request": {
            "pets_tabular": {
                "Type": "Cat",
                "Name": "Nibble",
                "Age": 3000.0,
                "Breed1": "Tabby",
                "Breed2": "0",
                "Gender": "Male",
                "Color1": "Black",
                "Color2": "White",
                "Color3": "0",
                "MaturitySize": "Small",
                "FurLength": "Short",
                "Vaccinated": "No",
                "Dewormed": "No",
                "Sterilized": "No",
                "Health": "Healthy",
                "Quantity": 1.0,
                "Fee": "Free",
                "State": "Selangor",
                "VideoAmt": 0.0,
                "PhotoAmt": 1.0
            "pet_descriptions": "A super cute tabby cat!!!",
            "cute_pet_images": "eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/images/86e1089a3.jpg"
        "response": {
            "result": {
                "pet_adoption": {
                    "AdoptionSpeed": {
                        "A: 0-7 Days": 0.08935897797346115,
                        "B: 8-30 Days": 0.12761463224887848,
                        "C: 31-90 Days": 0.17728523910045624,
                        "D: 100+ Days": 0.6057411432266235

You can see that the inputs to the models are basically identical, except that we are varying the age of the pet. The general trend is that the older the pet, the longer it takes to be adopted, according to the model. This, unfortunately, is perhaps not surprising and is particularly visible when we increase the age to the extreme of 3000 months (250 years) – I mean, who would not want to adopt a 250 year old sage cat? :)

While not visible in the JSON above, here is the image used:

Example Pet Image


That is it for the main part of the tutorial. I hope you enjoyed it! Below are a couple of appendixes with some additional experiments that might be interesting.

Appendix A - Adding a pre-trained text feature extractor

In this appendix, we will add a pre-trained text feature extractor in addition to the one we already have. We will be using a pre-trained Tiny BERT model (see (see 04 – Established Architectures and Pretrained Models for more information). It is not certain whether this will improve the performance of the model, but the idea is more to showcase some functionalities of the framework.

Here is the configuration file for the pre-trained text feature extractor:

  input_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/descriptions.csv
  input_name: pet_descriptions_pretrained
  input_type: sequence

  sampling_strategy_if_longer: "uniform"
  max_length: 64
  split_on: " "
  min_freq: 10

    model_type: "prajjwal1/bert-tiny"
    pretrained_model: true
    freeze_pretrained_model: true
    position: embed
    pool: avg

The command:

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_tabular.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_description.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_apx-a_input_description_pretrained.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_image.yaml \
--fusion_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_fusion.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_output.yaml \

The training curve:


So it seems that the pre-trained text feature extractor does not help, and likely we are even overfitting a bit more!

Appendix B - Multi-modal, multi-task learning

In this part, we will train the model to not only predict the adoption speed, but also the pet’s age and number of pets in the image. For this, we have to modify the tabular input and output configurations:

  input_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/tabular.csv
  input_name: pets_tabular
  input_type: tabular

          - Type
          - Breed1
          - Breed2
          - Gender
          - Color1
          - Color2
          - Color3
          - MaturitySize
          - State
          - FurLength
          - Vaccinated
          - Dewormed
          - Sterilized
          - Health
          - Fee

          - VideoAmt
          - PhotoAmt

  model_type: tabular
  output_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/data/tabular.csv
  output_name: pet_adoption
  output_type: tabular

    - AdoptionSpeed
    - Age
    - Quantity
  cat_label_smoothing: 0.1

Note that we have moved the features that we want to predict from the input configuration to the output configuration.

The command:

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_apx-b_mt_input_tabular.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_description.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_apx-a_input_description_pretrained.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_input_image.yaml \
--fusion_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_fusion.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/07_multimodal_tutorial/conf/07_apx-b_mt_output.yaml \

First we can have a look at the average performance:



The average performance by default is the average of the MCC, ROC-AUC and average precision (AP) for categorical targets and 1.0-LOSS, PCC, R2 for continuous targets.

So, since we are using different inputs and outputs in this task, we cannot compare directly to the previous results. However, we can see that the model seems to be able to learn to predict the 3 different targets fairly well.

The training curves for the adoption speed, age and quantity:

../../_images/07_multimodal_training_curve_MCC_tabular_description_multi_task.png ../../_images/07_multimodal_training_curve_R2_tabular_description_multi_task_Age.png ../../_images/07_multimodal_training_curve_R2_tabular_description_multi_task_Quantity.png

Finally, we can also look at the regression predictions by checking the samples folder for the Age and Quantity targets. Here are a couple of examples:

../../_images/regression_predictions_age.png ../../_images/regression_predictions_quantity.png

So in the case of quantity, it is expected that the model gets some of the predictions wrong, since in our parsed data we are only using randomly chosen one image, but the original data includes multiple images (it can also be that it can learn some of this from the descriptions). However, the model seems to be able to predict the quantity fairly well, and same for the age.