04 – Established Architectures and Pretrained Models

In this tutorial, we will be seeing, how we can use local transformers, state-of-the-art, NLP architectures, and pretrained NLP models with EIR in order to predict sentiment from text. We will be using the IMDB reviews dataset, see here for more information about the data. To download the data and configurations for this part of the tutorial, use this link.

Note that this tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with the basic functionality of the framework (see 01 – Genotype Tutorial: Ancestry Prediction). If you have not already, it can also be useful to go over the sequence tutorial (see 03 – Sequence Tutorial: Movie Reviews and Peptides).

A - Baseline

After downloading the data, the folder structure should look something like this (note that at this point, the yaml configuration files are probably not present, but we will make them during this tutorial, alternatively you can download them from the project repository):

├── conf
│   ├── 04_imdb_globals.yaml
│   ├── 04_imdb_input.yaml
│   ├── 04_imdb_input_longformer.yaml
│   ├── 04_imdb_input_tiny-bert.yaml
│   ├── 04_imdb_input_windowed.yaml
│   └── 04_imdb_output.yaml
└── data
    └── IMDB
        ├── IMDB_Reviews
        ├── conf
        ├── imdb.vocab
        └── imdb_labels.csv

First we will use the built-in transformer model in EIR, just to establish a baseline.

As always, configurations first!

output_folder: eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_04_imdb_run
valid_size: 0.10
n_saved_models: 1
checkpoint_interval: 500
sample_interval: 500
early_stopping_patience: 5
memory_dataset: true
n_epochs: 25
mixing_alpha: 0.2
device: "mps"
dataloader_workers: 0


Training these sequence models can take quite some time if one is using a laptop. If possible, try using a system with a GPU available! If not, set the device setting to ‘cpu’.


You might notice that we have a new configuration in our global config, mixing_alpha. The parameter controls the level of Mixup, a really cool data augmentation which is included in the framework, and is automatically applied to all input modalities (genotype, tabular, sequence, images, binary data) when set in the global configuration.

  input_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/data/IMDB/IMDB_Reviews
  input_name: imdb_reviews
  input_type: sequence

        sampling_strategy_if_longer: "uniform"
        max_length: 128
        split_on: " "
        min_freq: 10
        tokenizer: "basic_english"
        tokenizer_language: "en"

        model_type: sequence-default
        embedding_dim: 32
        position: embed
        pool: avg
          num_heads: 2
          dropout: 0.2
  output_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/03_sequence_tutorial/data/IMDB/imdb_labels.csv
  output_name: imdb_output
  output_type: tabular

    - Sentiment

As before, we do our training with the following command:

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_input.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_output.yaml

Checking the accuracy, we see:


A little better than what we saw in the 03 – Sequence Tutorial: Movie Reviews and Peptides, which makes sense as here we are using longer sequences and more data augmentation. In any case, now we have a nice little baseline to compare to!

B - Local Transformer

Transformer models are notorious for being quite expensive to train computationally, both when it comes to memory and raw compute. The main culprit is the quadratic increase w.r.t. input length. One relatively straightforward way to get around this is not looking at the full sequence at once, but rather in parts (kind of like a convolution). This functionality is included by default and can be controlled with the window_size parameter of the input_type_info field when training sequence models.

Now, let’s try training one such model, using a window size of 64 and increasing the maximum sequence length to 512:

  input_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/data/IMDB/IMDB_Reviews
  input_name: imdb_reviews_windowed
  input_type: sequence

        sampling_strategy_if_longer: "uniform"
        max_length: 512
        split_on: " "
        min_freq: 10
        tokenizer: "basic_english"
        tokenizer_language: "en"

  model_type: sequence-default
  window_size: 64
  position: embed
  pool: avg
  embedding_dim: 32
    num_heads: 2
    dropout: 0.2

To train, we just swap out the input configuration from the command above:

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_input_windowed.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_output.yaml \

Training this model gave the following training curve:


Indeed, increasing the sequence length does seem to help, and using a window size of 64 seems to work fairly well.

C - Established architecture: Longformer

Now, the windowed approach above is perhaps a quick win to tackle the scaling problems of transformers when it comes to input length. In fact, this is such a notorious problem that people have done a lot of work in finding cool architectures and methods to get around it. By taking advantage of the excellent work Hugging Face has done, we can use these established architectures within EIR (big thanks to them by the way!). The architecture we will be using is called Longformer, and as mentioned it tries to approximate full self-attention in order to scale linearly w.r.t input size.


Hugging Face has implemented a bunch of other pretrained models and architectures, check this link for an exhaustive list.

To use the Longformer model, we use the following configuration, notice that in the model configuration we are now passing in flags specifically to the LongFormer model:

  input_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/data/IMDB/IMDB_Reviews
  input_name: imdb_reviews_longformer
  input_type: sequence

        sampling_strategy_if_longer: "uniform"
        max_length: 512
        split_on: " "
        min_freq: 10
        tokenizer: "basic_english"
        tokenizer_language: "en"

      model_type: longformer
      pretrained_model: false
      position: embed
      pool: avg
            num_hidden_layers: 2
            hidden_size: 32
            num_attention_heads: 2
            intermediate_size: 32
            attention_window: 64
            max_position_embeddings: 1024


The established architectures can have a bunch of different configurations available. Head over to the Hugging Face docs to see which flags they accept and what they do. For example, the LongFormer docs can be found here.

We train with the following command:

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_input_longformer.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_output.yaml \

And get the following training curve:


Indeed, we see an improvement on the validation set when using the the Longformer model compared to the first run. There does not seem to be a big difference compared to our local transformer run, Of course, we would have to evaluate on a test set to get the final performance, but this is looking pretty good!

D - Pretrained Model: Tiny BERT

Now, we have seen how we can use cool architectures to train our models. However, we can take this one step further and use a pretrained model as well, taking advantage of the fact that they have already been trained on a bunch of data.

In this case, we will use a little BERT model called Tiny BERT. The approach is almost the same as we saw above with the Longformer, here is the configuration:

  input_source: eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/data/IMDB/IMDB_Reviews
  input_name: imdb_reviews_tiny_bert
  input_type: sequence

  sampling_strategy_if_longer: "uniform"
  max_length: 512
  split_on: " "
  min_freq: 10

    model_type: "prajjwal1/bert-tiny"
    pretrained_model: true
    freeze_pretrained_model: false
    position: embed
    pool: avg

Note that when using these pretrained models, we are generally not configuring things like tokenizers and model_config, as we use the default tokenizers and configurations used to train the model. EIR will do this automatically when you leave the fields blank like above. Also notice the flag, freeze_pretrained_model, if set to False, we will not train the weights of the pretrained model but rather leave them as they are. This can greatly speed up training, but can come a cost of performance as we are not fine tuning the this part of our model for our task.


For the pretrained models, we again take advantage of the excellent work from Hugging Face. In this case, the have a hub with a bunch of pretrained models, which we can use with EIR.

This model is quite a bit larger than the nones we have used so far so here it helps to have a powerful computer. We run this as always with:

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_input_tiny-bert.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_output.yaml \

The training curve looks like so:


The pre-trained model performs quite similarly to our other long context models. However, notice how quickly it reached it top validation performance compared to the other models. Therefore, even though we are using a much bigger model than before, this kind of fine tuning can save us a lot of time!


Many of these pretrained architectures are trained on data that is automatically crawled from the web. Therefore in this case, there might be possibility they have seen our reviews before as part of their training! Of course we are not too concerned for the sake of this tutorial.

E - Combining Models

So far we have seen how can can train bunch of cool models by themselves, but now we will be a bit cheeky and combined them into one big model.


Make sure that the input_name under the input_info field is unique for each input when doing combining models.

In this case, we will freeze the weights of the pretrained Tiny BERT part of our model.

eirtrain \
--global_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_globals.yaml \
--input_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_input_windowed.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_input_longformer.yaml eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_input_tiny-bert.yaml \
--output_configs eir_tutorials/a_using_eir/04_pretrained_sequence_tutorial/conf/04_imdb_output.yaml \
--04_imdb_globals.output_folder=eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_04_imdb_run_combined \

And our performance:


So in this case, we do not see a huge improvement when combining our models. However when relevant, it can greatly boost performance especially in those cases where the different input configurations refer to different modalities, i.e. do not just act on the same input like we did above.


Combining input configs is not only confined to sequence models or even the same modalities. For example, to train a model that uses genotype, sequence and tabular data, just pass the relevant configurations to the --input_configs flag!

F - Serving

In this final section, we demonstrate serving our trained model as a web service and interacting with it using HTTP requests.

Starting the Web Service

To serve the model, use the following command:

eirserve --model-path [MODEL_PATH]

Replace [MODEL_PATH] with the actual path to your trained model. This command initiates a web service that listens for incoming requests.

Here is an example of the command:

eirserve \
--model-path eir_tutorials/tutorial_runs/a_using_eir/tutorial_04_imdb_run_combined/saved_models/tutorial_04_imdb_run_combined_model_1000_perf-average=0.8883.pt

Sending Requests

With the server running, we can now send requests. For this model, we send different features extracted from the same input text.

Here’s an example Python function demonstrating this process:

import requests

def send_request(url: str, payload: dict):
    response = requests.post(url, json=payload)
    return response.json()

payload = {
    "imdb_reviews_windowed": "This movie was great! I loved it!",
    "imdb_reviews_longformer": "This movie was great! I loved it!",
    "imdb_reviews_tiny_bert": "This movie was great! I loved it!"

response = send_request('http://localhost:8000/predict', payload)

Additionally, you can send requests using bash:

curl -X 'POST' \\
  'http://localhost:8000/predict' \\
  -H 'accept: application/json' \\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
  -d '{
      "imdb_reviews_windowed": "This movie was great! I loved it!",
      "imdb_reviews_longformer": "This movie was great! I loved it!",
      "imdb_reviews_tiny_bert": "This movie was great! I loved it!"

Analyzing Responses

After sending requests to the served model, the responses can be analyzed. These responses provide insights into the model’s predictions based on the input data.

        "request": {
            "imdb_reviews_windowed": "This move was great! I loved it!",
            "imdb_reviews_longformer": "This move was great! I loved it!",
            "imdb_reviews_tiny_bert": "This move was great! I loved it!"
        "response": {
            "result": {
                "imdb_output": {
                    "Sentiment": {
                        "Negative": 0.03049383871257305,
                        "Positive": 0.9695060849189758
        "request": {
            "imdb_reviews_windowed": "This move was terrible! I hated it!",
            "imdb_reviews_longformer": "This move was terrible! I hated it!",
            "imdb_reviews_tiny_bert": "This move was terrible! I hated it!"
        "response": {
            "result": {
                "imdb_output": {
                    "Sentiment": {
                        "Negative": 0.9445462822914124,
                        "Positive": 0.05545369163155556
        "request": {
            "imdb_reviews_windowed": "You'll have to have your wits about you and your brain fully switched on watching Oppenheimer as it could easily get away from a nonattentive viewer. This is intelligent filmmaking which shows it's audience great respect. It fires dialogue packed with information at a relentless pace and jumps to very different times in Oppenheimer's life continuously through it's 3 hour runtime. There are visual clues to guide the viewer through these times but again you'll have to get to grips with these quite quickly. This relentlessness helps to express the urgency with which the US attacked it's chase for the atomic bomb before Germany could do the same. An absolute career best performance from (the consistenly brilliant) Cillian Murphy anchors the film. ",
            "imdb_reviews_longformer": "You'll have to have your wits about you and your brain fully switched on watching Oppenheimer as it could easily get away from a nonattentive viewer. This is intelligent filmmaking which shows it's audience great respect. It fires dialogue packed with information at a relentless pace and jumps to very different times in Oppenheimer's life continuously through it's 3 hour runtime. There are visual clues to guide the viewer through these times but again you'll have to get to grips with these quite quickly. This relentlessness helps to express the urgency with which the US attacked it's chase for the atomic bomb before Germany could do the same. An absolute career best performance from (the consistenly brilliant) Cillian Murphy anchors the film. ",
            "imdb_reviews_tiny_bert": "You'll have to have your wits about you and your brain fully switched on watching Oppenheimer as it could easily get away from a nonattentive viewer. This is intelligent filmmaking which shows it's audience great respect. It fires dialogue packed with information at a relentless pace and jumps to very different times in Oppenheimer's life continuously through it's 3 hour runtime. There are visual clues to guide the viewer through these times but again you'll have to get to grips with these quite quickly. This relentlessness helps to express the urgency with which the US attacked it's chase for the atomic bomb before Germany could do the same. An absolute career best performance from (the consistenly brilliant) Cillian Murphy anchors the film. "
        "response": {
            "result": {
                "imdb_output": {
                    "Sentiment": {
                        "Negative": 0.031759195029735565,
                        "Positive": 0.9682407975196838

If you made it this far, I want to thank you for reading!